In consideration for NC State allowing participation in Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program (YRRP) or other associated youth events, conducted by Project Youth Extension Service (YES) (hereinafter “Program”), I, agree as follows:
I affirm and acknowledge that participating in the Program carries certain inherent risks, including but not limited to the risk of data mining, phishing, viruses, malware, a data breach of online information, cyberbullying, exploitation, victimization, cyberstalking, online grooming, cyber predators, and image replication.
On behalf of myself, I hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless NC State University and its trustees, officers, directors, employees, and agents (the “Released Parties”) from any liability, losses, costs, damages, claims, or causes of action of any kind or nature whatsoever, and expenses, including attorneys’ fees, arising from, resulting from, or relating in any way, participation in the Program. I further agree I will indemnify, defend and hold harmless each of the Released Parties from any liabilities which may be incurred as a result of such claim.
I understand I am required to be familiar with and abide by the Program’s rules and regulations, including any safety regulations established for the benefit of all participants. I accept sole responsibility for my conduct and actions.
I agree that the University may collect information from me through an online platform, for the limited purpose of Program registration and participation. I understand that this information will not be shared with any third-party, unless otherwise required by the third-party platform provider for participation.
I agree to allow NC State or its agents to photograph or record Program activities for safety and security purposes. I further agree images or likenesses in photographs, videos, or audio may be used for internal educational/training purposes. I agree that the use described herein may be without compensation to me. I waive any right to inspect or approve the finished electronic, photograph, or printed matter that may be used in conjunction with the printed matter now or in the future. I expressly release NC State, its agents, employees, licensees, and assigns from any and all claims which I or the Minor may have for invasion of privacy, right of publicity, defamation, copyright infringement, or any other causes of action arising out of the use, adaptation, reproduction, distribution, broadcast or exhibition of such recordings. I further agree that I will not record (by any method) this event for any reason without first obtaining permission (in writing) from Project YES and North Carolina State University.
I affirm and acknowledge that participating in the Program carries certain inherent risks, including but not limited to the risk of data mining, phishing, viruses, malware, a data breach of online information, cyberbullying, exploitation, victimization, cyberstalking, online grooming, cyber predators, and image replication.
On behalf of myself, I hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless NC State University and its trustees, officers, directors, employees, and agents (the “Released Parties”) from any liability, losses, costs, damages, claims, or causes of action of any kind or nature whatsoever, and expenses, including attorneys’ fees, arising from, resulting from, or relating in any way, participation in the Program. I further agree I will indemnify, defend and hold harmless each of the Released Parties from any liabilities which may be incurred as a result of such claim.
I understand I am required to be familiar with and abide by the Program’s rules and regulations, including any safety regulations established for the benefit of all participants. I accept sole responsibility for my conduct and actions.
I agree that the University may collect information from me through an online platform, for the limited purpose of Program registration and participation. I understand that this information will not be shared with any third-party, unless otherwise required by the third-party platform provider for participation.
I agree to allow NC State or its agents to photograph or record Program activities for safety and security purposes. I further agree images or likenesses in photographs, videos, or audio may be used for internal educational/training purposes. I agree that the use described herein may be without compensation to me. I waive any right to inspect or approve the finished electronic, photograph, or printed matter that may be used in conjunction with the printed matter now or in the future. I expressly release NC State, its agents, employees, licensees, and assigns from any and all claims which I or the Minor may have for invasion of privacy, right of publicity, defamation, copyright infringement, or any other causes of action arising out of the use, adaptation, reproduction, distribution, broadcast or exhibition of such recordings. I further agree that I will not record (by any method) this event for any reason without first obtaining permission (in writing) from Project YES and North Carolina State University.
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